Models the way a real patient’s physiology responds to real interventions. The world’s most realistic physiology education system Cyber Physiology™: SimBioSys™ is a comprehensive software for simulating human physiology for learning. The software offers learning at both the medical and introductory

levels, and includes interactive real-time simulations, animations, illustrations, and quizzing mechanisms within an interactive environment.

The SimBioSys™ engine is based on over 240 Differential Equations, and has over 1000 parameters. The underlying models include cardiovascular, circulatory, respiratory, and renal systems coupled to a vascular system and peripheral organs, all of which are coordinated by the central nervous system.


A user can review the current condition of a patient, simulate medical interventions, and assess the cause and effect of the patient’s response to various courses of action. The user can control the rate of blood loss and/or transfusion, respiration/intubation, introduce medical devices (such as pacemakers, defibrillators, ventilators, and catheters) and infuse over 75 different drugs and fluids.

Cyber PhysiologyTM : SimBioSysTM
• Engine based on 240 differential equations
• Over 1000 parameters defining patient condition and intervention options

Underlying Models Include:
• Cardiovascular system
• Respiratory system
• Renal system
• Circulatory system
• Coupled to vascular system
• Coupled to peripheral organs
• Coordinated by C.N.S.

Real-Time and Coordinated Simulations
The real-time simulation feature provides multi-dimensional feedback, allowing the student to analyze the outcome of medical interventions in real-time, as they occur. Output parameters are calculated several times per millisecond and displayed through commonly used graphs and readouts. All simulations are synchronized, offering a comprehensive and accurate view of patient response.


Chapter 1: Membrane Physiology
Ex. 1: Diffusion in a Free Fluid
Ex. 2: Diffusion across a Membrane
Chapter 2: Cellular Excitability
Ex. 1: Nernst Equation
Ex. 2: Determinants Rst. Memb. Pot.
Ex. 3: Action Potentials
Chapter 3: Cell Signaling
Ex. 1: Dose Response Curves
Ex. 2: Competitive and Noncompetitive Antagonists
Ex. 3: Epinephrine and Propranolol
Chapter 4: Muscle Contraction
Ex. 1: The Length-Tension Relationship
Chapter 5: Pressure and Flow
Ex. 1: Systemic Vascular Resistance
Ex. 2: Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
Chapter 6: Cardiac Excitation
Ex. 1: AV Nodal Conduction
Ex. 2: Automaticity
Exercise 3: Rhythms
Chapter 7: The Cardiac Cycle
Ex. 1: Ventricular Ejection
Ex. 2: Ventricular Filling
Ex. 3: Aortic Stenosis
Ex. 4: Aortic Regurgitation
Chapter 8: Cardiac Pressure
Volume Relationships
Ex. 1: Diastolic PV Relationships
Ex. 2: Cardiac Preload
Ex. 3: Cardiac Afterload
Ex. 4: Systolic PV Relationships
Ex. 5: Measuring Contractility
Ex. 6: Heart Rate
Chapter 9: Control of Circulation
Ex. 1: Circulatory Pause
Ex. 2: Hemorrhage
Ex. 3: Tamponade
Ex. 4: Dobutamine
Chapter 10: Autonomic Control
Ex.1: Parasympathetic Tone
Ex. 2: Sympathetic Tone
Ex. 3: Hemorrhage
Ex. 4: Ganglionic Blockade
Chapter 11: Blood Gas Exchange
Ex. 1: Altitude
Ex. 2: Respiratory Quotient
Ex. 3: Hemoglobin Oxygen Dissociation
Ex. 4: CO2 Content
Ex. 5: Arterial and Venous Blood
Chapter 12: Systemic Oxygen Transport
Ex. 1: Hypoxic Hypoxia
Ex. 2: Stagnant Hypoxia
Ex. 3: Anemic Hypoxia
Ex. 4: Supply Dependency
Chapter 13: Lung Gas Exchange
Ex. 1: Carbon Dioxide and Ventilation
Ex. 2: Hemoglobin and Oxygen
Chapter 14: Shunt and Dead Space
Ex. 1: Dead Space
Ex. 2: VE and CO2
Ex. 3: Shunt
Ex. 4: VA/Q Matching
Chapter 15 Respiratory Statics
Ex. 1: Spirometry Tracing
Ex. 2: Predicted Normal Lung Values
Ex. 3: Collagene and Lung Mechanics
Ex. 4: Elastin and Lung mechanics
Ex. 5: Water Surface Tension and Lung Mechanics
Ex. 6: Chest Wall Mechanics
Ex. 7: Integrated Mechanics
Chapter 16 Respiratory Dynamics
Ex. 1: Respiratory Muscle Function
Ex. 2: Pressure, Flow and volume
Ex. 3: Airflow in the Upper Airways
Ex. 4: Forced Expiratory Flow
Ex. 5: The Flow Volume Loop
Chapter 17: Fluid Compartments
Ex. 1: Fluid Volumes
Chapter 18: Kidneys and Filtration
Ex. 1: Glomerular Filtration
Chapter 19: Acid-Base Physiology
Ex. 1: CO2 Effects
Ex. 2: Relationship of H+- and
pH to SID
Ex. 3: Gamblegrams
Ex. 4: Strong Ion Difference

Cyber Physiology Brochure

Models the way a real patient’s physiology responds to real interventions.

Bertas Technical and Medical Equipment Industry and Trade Inc. All rights reserved © 2014
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